What works for you?Subscription plans include unlimited Q&A, 2nd Opinion of x-rays or treatment plans, and appropriate prescriptions. For urgent care, plan to hear from us in 15-90 minutes. Pay Per-Use include the same services, but only one time and only on a single issue or set of x-rays. Prescriptions may be limited for patients under 18 years of age.
Monthly SubscriptionSet-up fees waived this week only!
$10/mo. for Individuals $15/mo. for Families Cancel Anytime |
Yearly Subscription
$10/mo. Billed Yearly for Individuals
$15/mo. Billed yearly for Families Cancel Anytime |
Pay Per-Use$59 Per-Use.
Urgent Care or Second Opinion Includes Follow Up Q&A |
Cancel anytime. Patients who cancel before completing 4 monthly payments cannot resubscribe to a monthly plan in the future.
By enrolling in a plan you are consenting to receive email and text messages from us. We do not share personal information.
*If resubscribing please complete the intake forms again to insure our records are up to date.
By enrolling in a plan you are consenting to receive email and text messages from us. We do not share personal information.
*If resubscribing please complete the intake forms again to insure our records are up to date.